None of the men who detained Teresa Borrenpohl wore uniforms that identified them as security agents, despite city code requiring that.
A man was found shot to death in a home in Post Falls, Idaho, police said. Getty Images/iStockphoto A woman watched her security camera and saw her ex fleeing the home before her current boyfriend was found dead, Idaho police said. The woman called 911 at ...
Police arrested Jason M. Rook on Wednesday, the man accused of shooting and killing a man in Post Falls on Sunday.
The I-90 construction is set to last through the fall. To keep up with the construction and best plan your commutes, visit The site monitors real-time traffic conditions and tells you if there's any backups or closures.
POST FALLS, Idaho – The City of Post Falls Government has announced an emergency water shut down. This will impact customers along the northern part of Mullan Avenue, specifically between Idaho Street and Syringa Street. Residents in the affected area should prepare for the disruption.
Kootenai Vision Center has moved to its new home on Early Dawn Avenue, marking a new chapter for the long-standing family business.
The Post Falls man accused of killing his ex-girlfriend’s new partner was repeatedly harassing her leading up to the shooting, court records say. Nathan Rogers, the owner of Inland Kava Bar in Coeur d’Alene,
The shutdown will affect customers near the northern part Mullan Avenue, between Idaho Street and Syringa Street.
House Speaker Mike Johnson is advising his fellow lawmakers to skip town halls based on claims that professional protesters are involved, but a pair of former Democratic congressmen from Idaho
A Republican-hosted legislative town hall meeting in northern Idaho became turbulent after three plainclothes security workers forcibly removed a woman who was heckling the speakers.
COEUR D'ALENE, ID (KLEW) — A legislative town hall in Idaho hosted by the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee (KCRCC) erupted into chaos on Saturday when a woman was forcibly removed after voicing concerns about the potential repeal of Medicaid expansion and other legislative issues, according to the Coeur d'Alene/ Post Falls Press.