Though they worked in close proximity for years, Alexander Hamilton and George Washington never ... Hamilton left Washington's side to deliver a letter, only to be delayed by the Marquis de ...
George Washington ... in France, Washington revoked the former American colonies’ alliance with that country, an action that put him at odds with strong Francophiles like Thomas Jefferson. Another ...
His profile is featured in one of the most famous paintings in American history. George Washington was the first president of the United States. He has long been referred to as “the father of ...
That famous description of George ... at their side battle after battle, march after march, year after grueling year. The Philadelphia patriot Benjamin Rush once declared that Washington had ...
Washington won the presidency by unanimous electoral vote in both 1788 and in 1792. Challenges Upon his inauguration as the first president on April 30, 1789, George Washington assumed office under ...
In the Trustees’ Room of the Boston Athenaeum, around 230 books once belonging to President George Washington rest in a glass and wooden bookcase. Among the volumes: Masonic sermons, agricultural ...
It seemed like a huge loss for the American forces under Gen. George Washington, who had been leading the battle for independence from Britain for almost two years. But on May 7, Washington wrote ...