Energy flexibility opens lots of doors for decks, but Energy-hungry cards like Infernape enjoy it the most. After hitting (and possibly knocking out ...
Garchomp ex is a tanky card that's worth experimenting with in Pokémon TCG Pocket. Here's the best Triumphant Light deck list ...
Pokémon TCG Pocket's latest mini set, Triumphant Light, introduced Arceus ex. Here's the best Arceus ex deck list to try today.
A Greninja ex card should emphasize its speed and offensive prowess, much like Infernape ex. An attack like Shadow Slash could deal heavy damage while damaging benched cards or have a low cost ...
For players looking for a hit-and-run strategy, Infernape ex is the perfect card. Its Flare Blitz attack delivers a powerful 140 damage but at the cost of discarding all attached Fire Energy.
Between all these games, there were still only 107 new Gen 4 Pokémon, including videogame starters Empoleon, Infernape, and Torterra, as well as Lucario, who might be best known now as a fighter in ...
Mega Lucario returns to Pokemon GO Mega Raids from March 4-13, 2025. This powerful Fighting- and Steel-type Pokemon can be ...
The Triumphant Light expansion pack is the second mini-set to have arrived in Pokemon TCG Pocket, and while it doesn’t feature any meta-changing Pokemon, it does have plenty of cards for you to ...