Mason Mauro, a spokesperson for Reynolds, declined to comment on the ... "So we want working class citizens here. They’re real life Iowans. We’re not career politicians, but we’re citizen ...
Friday afternoon, Gov. Kim Reynolds signed a historic bill ending 18 years of civil rights protections for transgender and nonbinary Iowans. Senate File 418 removes gender identity as a protected ...
Gov. Kim Reynolds officially signed the bill into law, that strips gender identity from Iowa's Civil Rights Act.The bill was ...
Kim Reynolds signed into law a bill that removes ... wiping tears as she told her chamber colleagues that she “transitioned to save my life.” “The purpose of this bill and the purpose ...
Kim Reynolds signed into law a bill that opponents ... wiping away tears as she offered her personal story as a transgender ...
Kim Reynolds signed a law Friday removing gender identity as a ... This law will cause real harm, making daily life harder and more uncertain for countless Iowans who simply want to live openly and ...
Kim Reynolds signed a law Friday removing gender ... This law will cause real harm, making daily life harder and more uncertain for countless Iowans who simply want to live openly and authentically.