G Manjunath, on orders of labour minister Santhosh Lad, visited the two campuses of Infosys in Mysuru and Bengaluru, and ...
Stay up-to-date with the Infosys Stock Liveblog, your trusted source for real-time updates and thorough analysis of a ...
The Union Ministry of Labour and Employment has urged Karnataka to investigate layoffs of trainees at Infosys' Mysuru campus, ...
The Karnataka Labour Department cleared Infosys of wrongdoing in the recent trainee layoffs at its Mysuru campus. An ...
The Karnataka Labor Department has reportedly given a clean chit to tech giant Infosys in the recent case of mass layoffs, ...
The decision sparked widespread controversy from IT employees’ unions, with the National Information Technology Employees ...
The layoffs came after a prolonged hiring delay caused by a macroeconomic slowdown, which led IT firms to curb spending.
Infosys was recently in discussion over firing 300 trainees from its Mysore campus, now once again it's in the headlines over ...
Nasscom said in a statement that the global tech industry, which is largely customer-focused, operates on a merit-based ...
Infosys Ltd. closed 15.88% short of its 52-week high of 2,006.80 rupees, which the company achieved on December 13th.
Company officials had previously stated that removing underperforming trainees was essential to maintain high quality within ...