Kenya Airways has disclosed that its top frequent fliers are from Nigeria, which demonstrates how important the Nigerian ...
A cleaner balance sheet will put KQ in a position to attract a strategic investor, who is needed to inject further capital ...
Kenya Airways (KQ, Nairobi Jomo Kenyatta) will be required to repay USD150 million to the Kenyan government through a ...
Julius Thairu explained the possible cause of passenger flight suspension from Nairobi to Mauritius.
The airline has been a perennial beneficiary of State bailouts, with some of it being used to repay its debts.
Kenya Airways has reiterated its interest in Boeing 737-800 freighters and also suggested it may acquire widebody freighters ...
Dubai Aerospace Enterprise, is a globally recognised aviation services corporation with two divisions: DAE Capital and DAE Engineering. Headquartered in Dubai, DAE serves over 170 airline customers in ...
Kenya Airways Plc plans to acquire bigger cargo aircraft as intra-African trade expands and exports from the region bounce back from the Covid-19 pandemic slump. The partly state-owned airline ...
A booming African market is sending Kenya Airways to get out its orderbook to acquire more – and bigger – freighters, according to Bloomberg. It currently operates four 737Fs.  Cargo director Dick ...
A fire in the grounds of Kenya's main international airport in Nairobi on Friday evening was not near the airstrip, had not disrupted flights and was being contained, Kenya Airways said.