Property giant Grainger has reported double-digit growth in income driven by higher rents and the exit of private landlords ...
Grainger told markets this morning that total net rental income grew by 15 per cent in the four months to the end of January.
SSE said it expects adjusted earnings per share of between 154p to 163p and maintained operating profit targets.
Organic growth at jeweller Pandora was 13 per cent in the financial year 2024, above guidance of 11 per cent to 12 per cent.
Santander has reported a bumper set of results for 2024 as the group has continued to cut costs and boost customer numbers.
GSK was forced to pay around £1.8bn to settle thousands of cases in US courts in October amid claims Zantac caused cancer.
Profit has been slashed at Octopus Energy as rising costs and falling sales ate into its margin during the giant's latest ...
The Raine Group is on course to bank around £10m in commission from its role in the sale of the eight Hundred franchises.
The Raine Group is on course to bank around £10m in commission from its role in the sale of the eight Hundred franchises.
The Raine Group is on course to bank around £10m in commission from its role in the sale of the eight Hundred franchises.
Workers with a self-invested personal pension (Sipp) are the most confident their savings will pay for their retirement, ...
Workers with a self-invested personal pension (Sipp) are the most confident their savings will pay for their retirement, ...