Riding TriMet, C-TRAN and Portland Streetcar will be free today in honor of Rosa Parks' Birthday. In December 1955, Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus in segregated ...
Rosa Parks Quiet Courage Committee members held their first tribute in 2006. Then in 2008, they lobbied before the city ...
Rosa Parks became a civil rights icon for refusing to give up her bus seat, but it led to personal and financial hardship for ...
When stepping on the bus today, you’ll see a seat already taken, but no one is in it. The seat is set aside today for Rosa Parks. Chatham Area Transit is honoring the ...
The fare-free day marks the fifth consecutive year that TriMet has honored the legacy of the civil rights icon.
It’s Transit Equity Day and the Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority, known as TheRide, is honoring civil rights icon Rosa ...
RTD is providing free transit for everyone on Tuesday in remembrance of Civil Rights Leader Rosa Parks.