Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo joins Columbia University months after not being tapped for the second administration.
Barnard college reportedly expelled two students last week for disrupting a session of the class "History of Modern Israel." ...
The University of Pittsburgh has resumed Ph.D. admissions after having paused that process due to proposed research funding ...
Mike Pompeo, President Trump’s secretary of State in his first term, is joining Columbia University as a fellow starting in ...
Pompeo, a longtime ally of Israel, takes the role as other elite schools face pressure to show an openness to conservative ...
BuildOps is doubling down on AI innovation with the hiring of Dr. Javid Huseynov, a Columbia University professor, AI pioneer ...
Barnard is a women’s college that shares academic and extracurricular resources and is an official college of Columbia ...
The expulsions appear to be the first for pro-Palestinian activism on the Morningside Heights campus since the Hamas attacks ...
The case rests on a deal that Columbia made in 1953, when the city closed the stretch of 116th between Broadway and Amsterdam ...
The staff member was taken to the hospital as protestors refused to remove their masks to meet with university administration ...
This action aimed to protest the suspension of two students who distributed pro-Palestinian leaflets during a class intrusion ...
Pompeo, who served in President Trump’s first term, will be a fellow for one year at Columbia’s international relations ...