Indonesia - Climate Action Tracker
Aligning energy transition targets and implementation with the Paris Agreement: align JETP targets with the 1.5°C pathway, which, based on CAT’s Paris-aligned benchmarks for the power sector, requires Indonesia to generate at least 55%—and ideally up to 82%—of its energy from renewables by 2030.
Indonesia - Targets | Climate Action Tracker
The CAT also rates NDC targets against indicative national emissions from global least-cost pathways that achieve the Paris Agreement’s temperature goal (modelled domestic pathways). Indonesia will need support to reduce emissions to the level of its modelled domestic pathway.
Indonesia - Assessment - 04/12/2023 | Climate Action Tracker
Dec 4, 2023 · Off-grid coal could reach 30 GW in 2030 and result in an additional 150 MtCO 2, meaning total power sector emissions could reach 400 MtCO 2 in 2030, more than twice the level required to align with the Paris Agreement’s 1.5C temperature limit.
Policies & action - Climate Action Tracker
Indonesia’s LTS envisages this sector becoming a net sink by 2050 under the current policies scenario, and by 2030 under the ambitious low carbon scenario compatible with the Paris Agreement (LCCP).
The CAT guide to a good 2035 climate target
Jun 10, 2024 · From November this year, national governments need to submit 1.5°C aligned 2035 NDC targets but for the world to meet the Paris Agreement’s 1.5˚C temperature goal, they need to move to emergency mode and strengthen the ambition of their 2030 NDC targets and current policy action. Targets and action for 2030 needs to align with the pathway ...
How a COVID-19 recovery with less coal could benefit Indonesia
Apr 29, 2021 · A global transition away from coal electricity is fundamental to achieving the goal of the Paris Agreement. Many countries plan to reduce their coal project pipeline. Indonesia’s plans to expand coal capacity are off track compared to action by other countries in the region.
Improvement in warming outlook as India and China move ahead, …
Nov 15, 2017 · Compared to our 2016 assessment, there has been an increase—of 1.1 GtCO2e—in the emissions gap between the NDCs and the emissions pathway consistent with the Paris Agreement’s long-term global warming goal. The CAT estimates the size of the emissions gap to be 22–26 GtCO2e in 2030.
The Climate Action Tracker team defines detailed Paris Agreement compatible sectoral benchmarks as a level of an indicator that would be “sufficient” for national action to decarbonise sectors in line with the Paris Agreement’s 1.5˚C temperature limit.
Global update: Paris Agreement Turning Point - Climate Action …
Dec 1, 2020 · The recent wave of net zero targets has put the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C within striking distance. The Climate Action Tracker (CAT) has calculated that global warming by 2100 could be as low as 2.1°C as a result of all the net zero pledges announced as of November 2020.
General Methods for Defining Paris Agreement-compatible Benchmarks The methods used in this study to define the Paris Agreement-compatible benchmarks include three main strands: extraction of results from global integrated assessment models, own analysis using bottom-up models, and information from existing literature.